Ensuring Workers’ Safety in Every Roofing Project


California Roofing Safety Philosophy

California Roofing is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all workers. Our clients over the years evaluate our overall job performance, quality, safety, scheduling, productivity, job cost, and reputation.

We at California Roofing want to make it our utmost priority to perform to the highest standards in quality work while maintaining a stringent safety awareness at all times. To prevent injuries, all supervisory personnel and employees shall demonstrate the ability to recognize hazards and take necessary precautions to eliminate existing and potential hazards.

All employees will perform their duties in compliance with OSHA and all California Roofing Safety requirements.


Our Objectives

Based in San Jose, California, our family-owned and operated company takes pride in meeting the demands of today's roofing requirements. Our business was established in 1931, making us one of the oldest roofing companies in Santa Clara Valley. Since then, we have been striving to satisfy our high-tech, industrial, and commercial customers throughout the Bay Area with our competitive pricing, service, and workmanship.

  • Help to ensure that all California Roofing employees, subcontractors, and our customers work together in a cooperative and safe manner to ensure that our main objectives can be achieved.
  • Complete the project on time
  • Perform a quality job for our customers
  • Ensure that our customers are satisfied with our team
  • Achieve project safety and remain injury‑free for the duration of the project

Injury-Free Environment

California Roofing is committed to creating an Injury-Free Environment (IFE), which is based on a culture that completely eliminates at-risk behaviors. There are four primary principles behind this ideal:

Supportive Leadership by Management

Actively promote safety and provide the time and resources to guarantee that the people on and around our projects go home safe.

Personal Commitment
Each Worker on All Projects

Each person will commit to understanding and applying safe practices. Each person will accept responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those around them.

Free and Open Lines of Communication

Employees at all levels feel comfortable identifying and communicating safety concerns to their supervisors. The appropriate person or people address concerns immediately. Workers are not afraid to report injuries and every one offers feedback.


Being held responsible for making it happen. It takes all of us. As a team, we can create an Injury‑Free Environment.

Code of Safe Work Practices
All contractors must have and follow a safety program as required by CAL/OSHA.

Other applicable Safety programs include:

  • Cal/OSHA Requirements
  • California Roofing Company Safety Manual
  • Site-Specific Safety Plan